General Instructions
Filing of Theses and Dissertations with the Graduate School
Approval Forms
The Graduate School must have an original Approval form and Oral Defense form signed by the student's committee and the school director or academic dean. Note: Approval forms must be submitted by program staff, faculty, or administrator on behalf of the student. Approval forms submitted by students will not be accepted.
Research Involving Human Subjects
Students who used human subjects in their thesis or dissertation research must submit a copy of their Human Subjects Committee approval form to the Graduate School prior to the final ETD submission deadline. SIU has a policy governing all faculty, staff, and student research which involves human subjects. A human subject is defined as any individual whom a researcher contacts in person, by mail, or by phone, and requests information. Contact the SIU Institutional Review Board regarding any research involving human subjects. Visit the Office of Research Compliance (ORC) or 618-453-4530.
It is the student's responsibility to obtain permission to reproduce copyrighted material, such as including a table, inventory, or figure from a copyrighted source, in their thesis or dissertation. When permission is granted, the reproduced content must be noted with the original author and copyright holder, and the permission letter/email must be included in the appendices. When permission is not granted, the student should seek guidance on how an excerpt of the content can be included to avoid copyright infringement.
ETD Submission Fee
The fee for submission of an electronic thesis or dissertation is $30.00 (Library copy). If the thesis/dissertation is to be copyrighted (optional), an additional fee of $75.00 is due.
Survey of Earned Doctorates
All graduating Ph.D. students are required to complete an online survey. Survey must be submitted online prior to the final ETD submission deadline.
Oversize maps may be included as a supplemental file.
List of terms, definitions, questionnaires, and other supplemental information which is useful, but not essential, to the body of the thesis or dissertation may be included in an appendix. Page numbers must continue within the appendix with the same font and placement as in the body of the text.
Color is permitted.
Audio and video may be included to enhance presentation.
Formatting Guidelines
- The pdf file should be readable. The type face should be letter quality. Font style should be standard and not an unusual style such as Cursive, Script, or Italic. Some standard fonts are listed below:
- Ariel, Bookman, Courier, Times New Roman
- The body of the document should use a 10 or 12 point font. Headings and subheadings may go up one size and up to 14 point but must be of the same font style as the body of the text.
- Bold format may be used only as specified by the style manual chosen.
- Italics may be used only as specified by the style manual chosen. In general, it may be used for Genera, species, letters, words or phrases cited as a linguistic example, and foreign words.
- The body of the document must be double-spaced.
- Extended direct quotations should be presented consistently with the style manual selected.
- Chapters should be left justified.
Margins and Indentation
- Margins are one inch all around. Charts, tables, and figures may have greater margins than listed but may not go into the required margins.
- Paragraph indentations should be uniform five spaces. There should be no extra spacing between paragraphs.
- Chapters should be left justified.
- The Title page, Copyright page (optional), and Approval page must have no page numbers.
- The Abstract page will be the first page with a page number, and it must be a lower-case Roman numeral centered between the left and right margins and one-half inch up from the bottom of the page. Roman numeral pagination continues until the first page of chapter 1.
- The first page of chapter 1 will have the Arabic numeral 1 for a page number. Arabic numerals continue for the remainder of the paper and may be positioned in the upper right corner or the bottom center location, depending upon the graduate program’s style manual. Page numbers must consist of numerals only, without punctuation or embellishment.
This recent guideline revision supersedes all previous editions. Take this into consideration as you review previous SIU theses / dissertations.
Roles and Responsibilities
The Graduate Student's Responsibility
- Subject matter and content
- Organization and format
- Editorial, linguistic and bibliographic quality
- Quality of text, tables, and figures
- Quality of data, evidence, and logical reasoning presented
- Presentation of the manuscript based on the current style manual of the field and Graduate School Guidelines
The Advisory Committee's Responsibility
- Approval of the subject matter and methodology of the research
- Approval of the organization and content of the paper
- Review of the quality of data and evidence, logical reasoning, and the editorial, linguistic, and bibliographic quality
- Evaluation of the thesis or dissertation as a basis for certification that the student has fulfilled the requirements of the degree for which the student is a candidate
The Thesis Editor's Responsibility
- Providing counsel and advice upon request by students and members of the student's committee about the format aspects of theses and dissertation preparation
- Checking the final draft of each thesis or dissertation to insure that it has been prepared in conformity with the requirements of this Guide
Graduate Program Style Manual
Students must follow the style manual or scholarly journal guidelines designated by their graduate program to present the body of their thesis or dissertation. Graduate School guidelines must be followed for the pages prior to page 1 and for the Vita page.
Agribusiness Economics | Chicago |
Agricultural Sciences | APA with Journal Style for References |
Animal Science | Journal of Animal Science |
Anthropology | Varies - See your graduate program's guidelines |
Behavioral Analysis and Therapy | APA |
Biological Sciences | Council of Biology Editors Style Manual: A Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers in the Biological Sciences |
Business & Administration | APA or Chicago with Journal References |
Chemistry | American Chemical Society Style Guide: A Manual for Authors and Editors |
Civil and Environmental Engineering | APA with American Society of Civil Engineers Technical Journal References |
Communication Disorders and Sciences | APA |
Communication Studies | APA or MLA |
Computer Science | Graduate Program Guidelines |
Criminology & Criminal Justice | APA |
Curriculum & Instruction | APA |
Economics | American Economic Review |
Educational Administration | APA or Turabian |
Ed. Psychology and Special Ed. | APA |
Electrical and Computer Engineering | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) |
English | MLA |
Environmental Resources and Policy | |
Food and Nutrition | Journal of American Dietetics Association |
Foreign Languages and Literature | MLA |
Forestry | APA with Journal of Forestry |
Geography and Environmental Resources | Chicago |
Geology | Geological Society of America |
Health Ed. | AMA or APA |
Higher Education | APA or Turabian |
History | Chicago or Turabian |
Journalism | APA or Chicago |
Kinesiology | APA |
Linguistics | APA / Linguistic Society of America (ex.) |
Mass Communication and Media Arts | APA or Chicago or MLA |
Mathematics | Graduate Program Guidelines |
Mechanical Engineering | ASME Journal |
Mining Engineering | APA with Journal References |
Molecular Biology, Microbiolgy, Biochemistry | Journal of Bacteriology Journal of Experimental Medicine Journal of Molecular Biology |
Molecular, Cellular & Systemic Physiology | Journal of Endocrinology |
Music | Chicago / Turabian or APA |
Pharmacology and Neuroscience | Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics |
Philosophy | Chicago |
Physics | American Physical Society The Journal of Physics |
Plant and Soil Science | Agronomy Journal Journal for the American Society of Horticultural Science Weed Science Journal |
Plant Biology | Graduate Program Guidelines |
Political Science | American Political Science Review / Chicago Style Manual plus Departmental Guidelines |
Psychology | APA |
Public Administration | APA or MLA |
Quality Engineering and Management | APA or IJPR |
Recreation | APA |
Rehabilitation Administration | APA |
Rehabilitation Counseling | APA |
Sociology | American Sociological Association Style Guide or APA |
Theater | MLA |
Workforce Ed. and Development | APA |
Zoology | Graduate Program Guidelines |
*APA: American Psychological Association Publication Manual
*MLA: Modern Language Association Handbook for Writers of Research Papers
Submit theses and dissertations to the Graduate School via the ProQuest submission site.
For Questions / Concerns, please contact:
ETD Support in the Graduate SchoolStudent Services Building 3rd Floor