

Last Updated: Aug 07, 2024, 10:14 AM

Withdrawal from the University

Students registered for academic work must obtain a withdrawal if they contemplate leaving the University. Semester withdrawal occurs when all courses for which the student is registered are dropped.  If the student has a graduate assistantship, the student must resign from the contract.

Withdrawal from the University is a serious decision, which, in many cases, affects financial assistance status and academic records. Students can’t drop all of their courses.  Semester withdrawal is processed through the Graduate Registration Office, gradregistration@siu.edu. A withdrawal will not be issued beyond the tenth week of the semester unless the reasons for the withdrawal are beyond the student’s control and verified in writing. Warning: if a student obtains a withdrawal after the 100% refund period and is receiving financial assistance, the student may be in violation of the Satisfactory Progress for Financial Assistance policy since no academic credit will be earned for the semester. The table above provides the deadline dates for withdrawal. All credits or refunds are determined by the effective date of the withdrawal and are subject to the direction of the USDOE for the distribution of Title IV funds if applicable.

Students receiving a withdrawal from a full semester length course within the first two weeks will, under normal circumstances, receive a refund of all tuition and fees paid by the student or family. Some or all financial assistance funds, depending on the source, will be returned to their original sources if the student withdraws during the 100% period.

Students who withdraw after the full refund deadline will receive an account credit equal to the appropriate refund of tuition and fees for student loans.  Students with an assistantship will lose the tuition waiver at the time of withdrawal. An administrative fee will be assessed to all students who withdraw from the University and receive a refund beyond the full refund period. The amount of the fee will be a fixed charge of $100. See the following:

Refund Schedule for withdrawals from the University Refund Policy

This chart is based on refunding for full semester length courses.

Withdraw By Tuition Refund Percentage Fee Refund Percentage
Week One 100% 100%
Week Two 100% 100%
Week Three 50% 100%
Week Four 50% 0%
Week Five and after 0% 0%

No tuition refund will be given after week four; no refund of fees will be given after week three. Student fees are charged as a condition of enrollment. Further explanation of tuition and fee refunding may be found at registrar.siu.edu/schedclass.

Students who officially withdraw from school by the specific withdrawal deadline will receive a credit to their university account. Immediate cash refunds are not given for withdrawal from the University, reduction in credit-hour loads, or overpayment of account. The Bursar processes refunds at least once a week (twice a week during the week before the start of a semester and the first week of a semester) from an automated listing reflecting those accounts with a credit balance. No refunding of tuition and fees is made for a withdrawal occurring after the deadlines, except as described in the section titled Refund Schedule for withdrawals from the University SIU Refund Policy.

Withdrawal from the Program

Students who want to withdraw from their program are responsible for contacting the Graduate School. Failure to withdraw from the program will result in auto-enrollment of Continuing Education 601, during fall and spring semesters. Please send an email to gradschl@siu.edu to officially withdraw.