Grading System
Grading System Explanation
Only courses for which the grades of A+, A, A-,, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, or S have been received are acceptable in fulfillment of graduate degree requirements. The letter grades A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, and F are included in computing grade point averages for academic retention. If a graduate student repeats a course with the permission of the Graduate Dean, only the most recent (last) grade will be counted in the grade-point average. Graduate students will not receive graduate credit for Pass / Fail grades. They may not receive a grade of Pass / Fail in a 400-level course graded Pass / Fail on an elective basis.
400-Level Courses
Most 400-level courses may be taken for graduate credit. The Graduate Catalog will indicate those 400-level courses which may be taken for graduate credit. No grades of Pass / Fail may be given for a 400-level course for graduate credit. The instructor in a 400-level course which can be taken for graduate credit has the discretion to decide whether to require additional work for graduate credit.
Except for the WU grade, a W indicates authorized withdrawal from a course prior to the date indicated in the Schedule of Classes Information for the term in which the course was taken. The student's record will reflect the courses from which the student had withdrawn with the symbol W and the week of withdrawal.
An INC grade should be assigned when, for reasons beyond their control, students engaged in passing work are unable to complete all class assignments. INC is not included in grade-point computation. An INC must be changed to a completed grade within one year from the close of the term in which the course was taken or graduation, whichever comes first. Should the student fail to complete the course within the time period designated, that is, one year from the close of the term in which the course was taken or graduation, whichever comes first, the Incomplete will be converted to a grade of F and the grade will be computed in the student’s grade point average.
To complete the work from the original registration, a student should not register for the course again, but should complete the work for the original registration if the original registration is within the normal time limits established for the degree.
When the work is completed in a course for which DEF has been assigned, the grade is changed to a letter grade by the instructor, except in the case of theses and dissertations. When a thesis or dissertation has been submitted to the Graduate School as approved, the grade is automatically changed to S. If a thesis or dissertation is found unacceptable and the student is dismissed from the program, the grade of U is automatically assigned upon receipt by the Graduate School of the action dismissing the student.
Students enrolling for an Audit must designate their intent to enroll on an Audit basis at the time of registration, or prior to the end of the second week of a sixteen-week semester (prior to the end of the second week of an eight-week summer session). An equivalent prorated amount of time would be allowed for courses of shorter duration. Students registering for short courses must register for Audit prior to the beginning of those classes.
Students cannot designate a course for Audit from within SalukiNet Self-Service. Instead, they should first register for the course in SalukiNet Self-Service, then fill out a Course Request Form (CRF) which designates the change from regular registration to Audit. The CRF must be submitted to the Graduate Registration office.
Students registering for a course on an Audit basis receive no credit.
Auditing students' CRFs must be marked accordingly, and such students pay the same tuition and fees as though they were registering for credit. Students are expected to attend regularly and to determine from the instructor the amount of work expected of them. If an auditing student does not attend regularly, the instructor may determine that the student should not have a satisfactory (AU) audit grade. If the audited class is unsatisfactory, a grade of UAU will appear on the student's transcript.
Changing of Grades
At the completion of a course the final grade assigned to a student is the responsibility of the instructor of the course. Grades given at the end of the course are final and may not be changed by additional work or by submitting additional materials; however, clerical errors in recording grades can be corrected. To correct a clerical error, the assigned instructors should submit a grade change card together with an explanation and justification of the grade change for the approval or disapproval of the department chair, the appropriate college dean, and the Dean of the Graduate School. In cases of theses and dissertations, for which DEF grades are given, the Graduate School changes the DEF grades upon presentation and acceptance of the thesis and dissertation and receipt of the departmental approval papers. In courses for which INC and DEF grades have been given, assigned instructors have the responsibility of determining the final grade to be assigned and notifying the Office of Admissions and Records of the final grade by means of the grade change card.