Faculty and Staff Online Resources
Faculty and Staff Online Resources
There are a lot of things changing right now. Below are some resources that can help during this time.
Remote Teaching and Work Tools
Learn about the tools available to help you work remotely.
Public Illinois Drive-Up Wi-Fi Hotspots
Free Wi-Fi - Utilize free wi-fi in the Carbondale downtown area. To connect, select the "City of Carbondale Free Wi-Fi" option. No password required.
Collaboration Software
Online Resources
Need help with a Zoom meeting?
Carroll Walker, IT Specialist, will be available with Virtual Office Hours at : zoom.us/j/920389983
He can also be reached by email at cgwalker@siu.edu or available in MS Teams.
Human Resources

- SIU Human Resources
- Payroll- SIU Human Resources
- CARES Act for 403b supplemental retirement Plans (PDF)
- State of Illinois CMS COVID-19 Benefits Resources
- Financial resilience during the pandemic (PDF)
- Addressing Healthcare Worker Anxiety about the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Coping with isolation during COVID-19
- Financial best practices in uncertain times (on-demand webinar)
- SURs seminars and webinars
- Preventing Compassion Fatigue
- School is canceled. Now what?
- 7 tips for working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Tips for managers: How to help staff members in distress during an infectious outbreak
- Tips for members: How to manage anxiety and how you react to the situation
Employee Assistance Program
This can be a very stressful time, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Take advantage of our free and confidential Employee Assistance Program.
Legal assistance, financial coaching, identity theft resolution

Focusing on work is tough when you’re feeling unwell. Put your physical, mental and emotional health first so you’re able to do work well under these unprecedented circumstances.
Mental Health
- Stress Reduction
- Preventing Compassion Fatigue
- Magellan - How to manage anxiety and how you react to the situation
- Tips for Managing Fears and Anxiety around Coronavirus
- Taking Care of Your Mental Health in the Face of Uncertainty
- WHO: Coping with Stress During the 2019-nCov Outbreak
- MyBenefits webinars
Meditation Apps
Physical Health
- 10 Ways to Stay Active
- Think Outside the Gym
- Student Rec Center Daily Workout
Saluki Cares Emergency Fund
Help students in need of food, laptops and other emergency needs.
Financial donations can be made to the Saluki Cares Student Emergency fund.
Colleagues, Family and Friends
Combat feelings of loneliness by connecting virtually with friends, family and classmates
- Daily Check-ins with Friends and Family
- Support Local Restaurants
- Coping with Isolation During Covid-19
- Talking with your Child about Covid-19
Stay informed
Stay up-to-date on university news, including COVID-19 updates, resources, and more.
Expand your horizons, freshen up your skills and learn something new.
Remote Work Opportunities
Looking for projects when working remotely? Here are a few ideas to discuss with supervisors.
- Benchmark practices
- Organize electronic files
- Document processes and work flow
- Develop training and job aids
- Undertake special projects
- Support another office in need
- Explore professional development
- Review university policies
We are in this together! If there are questions you can't find on our FAQ, please email pandemicinfo@siu.edu or reach out to us on social media.