Post Doctoral


Last Updated: Aug 06, 2024, 04:07 PM


Postdoctoral appointments will be monitored through the Graduate School.

Hiring Process

Hiring of Postdoctoral Fellows generally follows the procedures established for the hiring of A / P employees:

  • Create a position description and obtaining approval to hire from the local unit.
  • Create and place a position announcement.
  • The position should be posted for a reasonable period of time.
  • Candidates are interviewed and finalist(s) determined.
  • Approval to make an offer to the candidate is secured from the local administrators (Chair and Dean).
  • Hiring of foreign nationals as post docs must be coordinated through the Center for International Education.

In situations where a candidate has been identified who, due to his / her unique qualifications, is the best (and perhaps only) candidate for the position, the search can be waived by approval of the local administrators. Justification for waiving the search requirements should be detailed in a memo and must relate to the qualifications of the candidate, the match between the candidate and the hiring faculty’s research, or the candidate’s limited availability. Waivers cannot be granted solely for the convenience of the researcher (i.e., to avoid a search, because the researcher delayed starting the hiring process, to save costs, etc.).

Due to fiscal circumstances, the approval process for postdoctoral fellows may, from time to time, be revised to include additional approvals up to, and including, the chancellor level.

Appointment Process

1. Postdoctoral appointees must complete the following forms at the time of hire:

  • Notice of Faculty or  A /P Staff Appointment
  • Personal and Professional Data Form (original and one copy)
  • I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification
  • Employee W-4 Tax Withholding Allowance Certificate
  • Electronic Direct Deposit Authorization Form

2. Attach a copy of the official doctoral transcript.

3. The hiring unit will submit the completed forms to the Graduate School.

4. The Graduate School will complete the hiring process.

Additional Information

For more information, including instructions for filling out the appropriate forms, check with your department administrator or call the Graduate School at 453-4555.

Additional information about hiring Postdoctoral Fellows on sponsored projects is available on Sponsored Project Guide (section 3.4.1. Salaries and wages).

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Postdoctoral Fellows?

Postdoctoral appointments provide an educational experience for individuals who wish to devote their primary effort toward research activities or study in an academic program or research center under temporary appointments that carry no academic rank. Postdoctoral activities provide additional training for doctoral scholars for professional development and advancement.

What qualifications does a candidate for a Postdoctoral Fellow position need to have?

Individuals holding a Ph.D. or an equivalent degree (including foreign degrees that are equivalent to U.S. doctorates) from an accredited university are eligible to seek a postdoctoral appointment.

In what kind of activities do Postdoctoral Fellows engage?

Postdoctoral activities are expected to provide, principally, additional training for doctoral scholars. It is assumed that postdoctoral appointees will devote their primary effort to research and additional activities that will enhance their professional development. Postdoctoral appointments may contribute to the academic or research program through seminars, lectures, working with graduate students, or participating in other activities that will enhance their professional development. It is not acceptable to hire research support staff as a Postdoctoral Fellow as a means of circumventing the normal hiring procedure for A / P employees or as a cost savings measure. Nor is it appropriate to hire someone seeking a postdoctoral opportunity with the intention of utilizing that person primarily as a support person for the principal investigator’s research.

Can a Postdoctoral Fellow appointment be part-time?

All postdoctoral appointments are term-based, 100% appointments of 12 months. Postdoctoral appointments can be renewed for up to three years.

What is the stipend rate paid to Postdoctoral Fellows?

Postdoctoral stipends will vary depending on the level agreed upon by the unit and the Postdoctoral Fellow, but will be no less than the federal or state minimum wage, whichever is greater.

Are Postdoctoral Fellows eligible for fringe benefits such as retirement and medical insurance?

Postdoctoral Fellows are eligible for retirement, if they meet eligibility requirements, which include full-time appointment and status as a US resident. Postdoctoral Fellows holding a J-1 or F-1 visa will not be eligible as those persons do not have US residency. In order to be eligible for medical coverage, the Postdoctoral Fellow must also be eligible for the State of Illinois retirement system. Therefore, eligible employees will receive both medical insurance and retirement. Sick leave and vacation benefits will be granted at the same rate as any term A / P employee. Leave benefits do not accrue to the employee and will expire at the end of each contract term.

How should I budget for the fringe benefits for a Postdoctoral Fellow?

Postdoctoral Fellow positions are charged a fringe benefit rate determined by the Vice Chancellor for Research. The current rate for fringe benefits is available from the Office of Sponsored Projects Administration.

How do I hire a Postdoctoral Fellow?

Postdoctoral appointees are appointed as Postdoctoral Fellows, and are considered to be Administrative / Professional (A / P) employees. Hiring of Postdoctoral Fellows generally follows the procedures established for the hiring of A / P employees:

  • Create a position description and obtaining approval to hire from the local unit.
  • Create and place a position announcement.
  • The position should be posted for a reasonable period of time.
  • Candidates are interviewed and finalist(s) determined.
  • Approval to make an offer to the candidate is secured from the local administrators (Chair and Dean).

I have identified a potential candidate from China. What do I need to do?

Because of visa concerns, hiring of foreign nationals as post docs must be coordinated through the Center for International Education.

I met an ideal postdoc candidate at a conference. She’s very qualified and likely to get multiple offers for a position at other universities. Is there a way that I can expedite the hiring process?

In situations where a candidate has been identified who, due to his / her unique qualifications, is the best (and perhaps only) candidate for the position, the search can be waived by approval of the local administrators. Justification for waiving the search requirements should be detailed in a memo and must relate to the qualifications of the candidate, the match between the candidate and the hiring faculty’s research or the candidate’s limited availability. Waivers cannot be granted solely for the convenience of the researcher (i.e., to avoid a search, because the researcher delayed starting the hiring process, to save costs, etc.).

What forms do I need to file at the time a Postdoctoral Fellow is hired?

  1. Postdoctoral appointees must complete the following forms at the time of hire:
    • Notice of Faculty or A / P Staff Appointment
    • Personal and Professional Data Form (original and one copy)
    • I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification
    • Employee W-4 Tax Withholding Allowance Certificate
    • Electronic Direct Deposit Authorization Form
  2. Attach a copy of the official doctoral transcript.
  3. The hiring unit will submit the completed forms to the Graduate School, which will complete the hiring process.

Where can I get additional information about hiring a Postdoctoral Fellow?

For more information, including instructions for filling out the appropriate forms, check with your department administrator or call the Graduate School at 453-4555. Additional information about hiring Postdoctoral Fellows on sponsored projects is available at: Sponsored Project Guide (section 3.4.1. Salaries and wages).