X-Ray vision and other super powers.

Not only do we prepare you for this career, but we offer training in diagnostic imaging exams.
Our program offers training in a variety of diagnostic imaging exams. The health care industry in general is a growing field. High tech specialists such as radiologic and MRI technologists are in growing demand.
We offer specialties in medical diagnostic sonography (ultrasound), radiation therapy, and magnetic resonance imaging/computed tomography (MRI/CT) and radiology education and management.
See what SIU can do for you

Undergraduate Program
Our curriculum and all of its options are accredited by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists, the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiation Therapy Technology and the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonography. SIU is the only bachelor’s degree program for radiologic sciences in Illinois.
Our four year degree program for radiology technologists has been recognized as one of the best in the nation by The Community for Accredited Online Schools.

Each on-campus specialization we offer has its own accreditation, educational and clinical training requirements.

Graduate Program
Earn your (MSRS) degree completely online.
This comprehensive program will prepare students to enter the professional workforce with a graduate degree in radiology, with the option to specialize in either management or education.
The MSRS program has been specifically tailored to meet the needs of those who are place-bound or employed full-time, allowing flexibility and alternative methods for degree completion.